API Reference

Instantiates a Standard SDK with your APIs of choice.


The build method takes one argument which may have either or both of apiSpecs and sklEngineOptions.




A hash of ApiSpecOptions objects. Describes the API specs for StandardSDK to construct namespaced operations from.



An SKLEngineOptions object as defined by @comake/skl-js-engine


ApiSpecOptions are the configurations you pass when building a Standard SDK for the APIs you want to work with. Different types of APIs have their own specific options. Currently we only support OpenAPI specs.




A type of API specification. Possible values are: openapi



The contents of the API specification. Usually a string or JSON object. When using Typescript, use as const on your API spec to get extended type support.


Optional configuration that will be added to every operation of this API. For OpenAPI specs, this field will be an OpenApiClientConfiguration object as defined in @comake/openapi-operation-executor.


Optional options that will be applied to every operation of this API. For OpenAPI operations, this is an AxiosRequestConfig object. See the axios API documentation for reference.

Return Value

A StandardSDK instance with a namespace for each key in apiSpecs. It may also have an skl property if sklEngineOptions was supplied.

Example Usage

In Typescript:

import ticketmasterOpenApiSpec from './path/to/ticketmaster-openapi-spec.json';

const standardSdk = StandardSDK.build({
  apiSpecs: {
    ticketmaster: {
      type: 'openapi',
      value: ticketmasterOpenApiSpec,
      defaultConfiguration: {
        apiKey: 'abc123'
      defaultOptions: {
        headers: {
          'X-Powered-By': 'Comake'

A namespace of a StandardSDK instance corresponding to a set of supplied Api Spec Options. A namespace has a property for each operation in the supplied API specification. Each namespace also includes methods setDefaultConfiguration and setDefaultOptions to update the default configuration and options to all operations if the API.

Example Usage

In Typescript:

const sdkNamespace = standardSdk.ticketmaster;

Sets the default configuration for all operations of in an API namespace. When using an API described via an OpenAPI spec, the configuration parameter should be a OpenApiClientConfiguration object as defined in @comake/openapi-operation-executor.

Example Usage

In Typescript:

  apiKey: 'acb123'

Sets the default options for all operations of in an API namespace. When using an API described via an OpenAPI spec, the options parameter should be an AxiosRequestConfig object as defined in the axios API documentation.

Example Usage

In Typescript:

  headers: {
    'X-Powered-By': 'Comake'

Executes the API operation called <operation> according to the API specification corresponding to the namespace <namespace>.


All parameters are optional, however, when using Typescript and executing an OpenAPI operation with required parameters or request body, the args parameter will be required.




Arguments for the operation as defined by the API specification. For example, an operation in an OpenAPI spec has either a requestBody or a parameters field. StandardSDK will read these fields and construct and send a web request with the data from args in the correct parts of the request.



An object holding any configuration necessary for the operation. Most often this includes security credentials. For example, for an OpenAPI operation configuration may include an apiKey or accessToken to satisfy the Security Requirement of the operation. See note below for more information.



An object holding any options to supply to the operation execution module to modfy default behaviors the request or message sent for the operation. For OpenAPI operations, this is an AxiosRequestConfig object. See the axios API documentation for reference.

⚠️ StandardSDK uses the @comake/openapi-operation-executor package to execute OpenAPI operations. This library currently supports OpenAPI security types oauth2, apiKey, and http with schemes basic or bearer. See the OpenAPI Spec for reference and the @comake/openapi-operation-executor API docs for more information.

Return Value

Operations return Promises which resolve to different values depending on the type of API. OpenAPI operations will resolve to an AxiosResponse object.

Example Usage

In Typescript:

const axiosResponse = await standardSdk.ticketmaster.SearchEvents(
  { city: 'Atlanta' }, // args
  { apiKey: '<your ticketmaster api key>' }, // configuration
  { headers: { 'X-Origin-SDK': 'StandardSDK' } } // options

A SKL JS Engine instance which is instantiated when the sklEngineOptions parameter is supplied when Standard SDK is built.

Example Usage

In Typescript:

const skl = standardSdk.skl;

The Verb execution interface of the SKL JS Engine instance accessed through Standard SDK.

Example Usage

In Typescript:

const skl = standardSdk.skl.verb;

Executes the verb called <verb> according to its Schema and related Mappings in the Schemas provided to the SKL JS Engine instance via the sklEngineOptions parameter when building Standard SDK.





The arguments supplied to the Verb which should conform to the Verb's parameters field of the Verb's Schema.

Return Value

Verbs executed using SKL JS Engine return Promises which resolve to an AxiosResponse object.

Example Usage

In Typescript:

const response = standardSdk.skl.verb.getEvents({
  account: 'https://example.com/data/TicketmasterAccount',
  city: 'New York',

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