Quick Start

Currently, Standard SDK is implemented as a JavaScript module. However, its functionality can be implemented in other popular languages. If you would like to contribute to creating a Standard SDK in another language, please start a discussion about it.

To get started with Standard SDK in Node.js, install the module with npm or yarn:

npm install @comake/standard-sdk-js


yarn add @comake/standard-sdk-js

To use Standard SDK in a browser, you'll need to use a bundling tool such as Webpack, Rollup, Parcel, or Browserify. Some bundlers may require a bit of configuration, such as setting browser: true in rollup-plugin-resolve.



To use Standard SDK, it first needs to be built using the StandardSDK.build method. StandardSDK is dynamically built based on the API specs you supply.

In Typescript:

import type { OpenApi } from '@comake/standard-sdk-js';
import { StandardSDK } from '@comake/standard-sdk-js';
// Import your API specs. 
import ticketmasterOpenApiSpec from './path/to/ticketmaster-openapi-spec.json';
import dropboxOpenApiSpec from './path/to/dropbox-openapi-spec.json';
// Build the Standard SDK with your API specs of choice
const standardSdk = StandardSDK.build({
  apiSpecs: {
    ticketmaster: {
      type: 'openapi',
      value: ticketmasterOpenApiSpec as OpenAPI,
    dropbox: {
      type: 'openapi',
      value: dropboxOpenApiSpec as OpenAPI,

Here we use OpenAPI specs imported as a JSON modules (requires the resolveJsonModule flag in your tsconfig.json file in Typescript). Alternatively, you could read a YAML file uing fs and use the yaml npm module to convert to JSON.

To get full Typescript autocompletion support in Standard SDK, turn your JSON OpenAPI specs into typescript objects by doing the following:

  1. Change the file extension from .json to .ts

  2. Add this typescript code around the OpenAPI spec JSON.

    export default {
      // Your OpenAPI spec here
    } as const;

Now you won't have to cast your imported OpenAPI specs to the OpenApi type

import { StandardSDK } from '@comake/standard-sdk-js';
// Import your API specs as Typescript objects. 
import ticketmasterOpenApiSpec from './path/to/ticketmaster-openapi-spec.ts';

// Build the Standard SDK with your API specs of choice
const standardSdk = StandardSDK.build({
  apiSpecs: {
    ticketmaster: {
      type: 'openapi',
      value: ticketmasterOpenApiSpec,


Once you have built a StandardSDK object, you can perform API operations with it according to the descriptions of operations in the API specs you supplied. For example, every operation in an OpenAPI spec has a unique field used to identify it, called an operationId. Every operationId in an OpenAPI spec can be used as the name of a function which can be called to execute the corresponding API request described by the API spec. The operations available to perform are namespaced with the same keys you use in the apiSpecs parameter when you build StandardSDK (eg. ticketmaster and dropbox in the example above).

In Typescript:

const ticketmasterResponse = await standardSdk.ticketmaster.SearchEvents(
  { city: 'Atlanta' },
  { apiKey: '<your ticketmaster api key>' },

const dropboxResponse = await standardSdk.dropbox.FilesGetMetadata(
  { path: 'id:a4ayc_80_OEAAAAAAAAAYa' },
  { accessToken: '<your dropbox access token>' },

The Ticketmaster OpenAPI spec we supplied to Standard SDK describes an operation with operationId equal to SearchEvents. The operation in the spec describes the Event Search endpoint documented in Ticketmaster's Discovery API documentation. Similarly, the Dropbox OpenAPI spec we provided describes an operation with operationId equal to FilesGetMetadata. It is documented in Dropbox's API documentation.

Each operation was supplied relevant arguments as the first parameter and configuration as the second. See the standardSDKInstance.<namespace>.<operation> api reference for more information on these parameters.

OpenAPI Directory

For your convenience, we have compiled a directory of OpenAPI specs of many popular APIs that you can use in your projects. We'd like to acknowledge APIs.guru, who supplied most of the API specs in the directory. Please submit any missing OpenAPI specs or ones you create as PRs to the directory. That way other developers can re-use them!

Default Configuration and Options

If your API requires certain security credentials or headers on all requests, it may get repetitive to supply those on every operation you execute. Instead, you can set default configuration either when you build your SDK, and/or at any other time after the SDK is built.

When building your SDK, you can supply optional parameters defaultConfiguration and defaultOptions for each API.

import { StandardSDK } from '@comake/standard-sdk-js';
import ticketmasterOpenApiSpec from './path/to/ticketmaster-openapi-spec.ts';

// Build the Standard SDK with your API specs of choice
const standardSdk = StandardSDK.build({
  apiSpecs: {
    ticketmaster: {
      type: 'openapi',
      value: ticketmasterOpenApiSpec,
      defaultConfiguration: {
        apiKey: 'abc123'
      defaultOptions: {
        headers: {
          'X-Powered-By': 'Comake'

After building your SDK, you can use the setDefaultConfiguration and setDefaultOptions methods to update the configuration and options applied to every operation you execute with an API.

import { StandardSDK } from '@comake/standard-sdk-js';
import ticketmasterOpenApiSpec from './path/to/ticketmaster-openapi-spec.ts';

// Build the Standard SDK with your API specs of choice
const standardSdk = StandardSDK.build({
  apiSpecs: {
    ticketmaster: {
      type: 'openapi',
      value: ticketmasterOpenApiSpec

  apiKey: 'abc123'

  headers: {
    'X-Powered-By': 'Comake'

Last updated